Social and Sustainable Development Foundation


There is so much happiness and joy when a woman gets pregnant. And when the child is born, the entire family celebrates and cherishes the moment in the most memorable way. The baby is taken care of with utmost love and affection. When the baby reaches the age of 1, grand birthday celebrations are done by the parents and family members with so much love.

Slowly, when the child grows and attains the age of going to school, parents strive hard to give their child the best education in the best school. Parents buy everything that the kid demands and try their best to fulfill the demands. Parents give their best in everything right from buying toys, dresses, stationery items to sending them for extracurricular activities to improve the skills of the kid.

When the child falls sick, it will be the parents who suffer more emotionally than the child who is ill. Parents consider their children as their world and dedicate everything to their kids. This care and love continue even after a child grows into a young girl or a boy. Once the child completes schooling, the parents will try to give him/her the best field of career. And parents will give their child the best college to study and spend a high amount for paying college fees, hostel fees and leisure activities. Once the child graduates, parents feel proud and happy. And after some years, marriage for the child will be arranged. Parents will try to celebrate the wedding to the best by spending so much money in arranging food, venue, invitations, dresses, and everything that a wedding needs. Parents get loans to educate their children, fix weddings and repay the debt, even without asking for help from their child. All these years, parents have done so many things to their children with the purest form of love. They sacrifice and sometimes deteriorate themselves by working hard for their children.

But the biggest question is when the parents become old; do their children take care of their parents with the same amount of love and care that they received from their parents? Do they? Every member of society should think about this and question themselves. Are we taking care of our parents as they did to us? Are we spending time with them? Are we doing justice to them? Isn’t it our responsibility to take care of our parents? What we are today – the name, fame, and money that we have earned are all due to our parent’s efforts and sacrifices. Besides working hard to bring up their child to a good position in life, parents also put in so much effort in saving assets and money for their children.

But the harsh reality is, in many cases, parents are abandoned by their children, once they get old. At old age, parents don’t expect food on golden plates or luxurious life from their children. All they expect is love, care, and affection. All it would take to make your old parents happy is spending time with them, asking whether they had food and enquiring about their health. Giving them emotional support is what they need. However busy the person is, will he/she not have 5 minutes to make a call to their parents?

When the parents have multiple children and the parents have to stay with one of the children, then it would be better if the other children also contribute in one way or another so that the responsibility can be shared fairly and reasonably among children.

Also, the problem of separation of assets comes in when the parents have more than one child. When siblings fight over assets and create issues, the whole burden and stress go to the parents. The ego clashes between siblings are depicted over parents. Is this a correct way of behavior?

Children running behind money never think of the wellbeing of their parents and they neglect them. The increase in the number of old age homes is due to selfish children like these. This is one of the greatest unjust acts. Let us also remember that what we do to our parents today, will be done to us in the future by our children.

It is better to throw away ego clashes with other siblings and discuss taking care of old parents. Children shouldn’t run away from their responsibility. Just imagine what would have happened to children, if parents have not done their responsibility of raising children. Children would have been into a disastrous life. So we must take care of our parents at old age. Let us pledge to throw away ego clashes between siblings and relatives and give utmost priority to the wellbeing of our parents. Let our parents live and leave the world with happy emotions and contentment of raising responsible children.

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