Social and Sustainable Development Foundation


All of us are leading a busy life running behind work and money to buy assets and grow rich. But have we ever wondered which the biggest asset in the world is. Is it the huge bank balance or a luxury car or large bungalow or owning large piece of land or all of these? No, none of these could be the biggest asset in life. The biggest asset that one could possess is Good Health. “Health is Wealth” is one of the most common and sensible proverb that we might have heard. With good health, one can achieve whatever he/she aims for. But without health, nothing can be achieved. The base of a happy and successful life is healthy body and
sound mind.

Then, what can be done to protect our health? A healthy body requires 3 basic things – nutritious food, exercise and adequate sleep. A balanced diet includes in it all nutrients essential for the body to function correctly. They are carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals, fat and essential nutrients in correct ratio. Intake of adequate quantity of water is also important for a healthy life. Up to 8 glasses of water per is recommended for human adults. When the body doesn’t get enough water, dehydration and dizziness may occur.

Exercise or physical activity is essentially an important part of a healthy life. Exercise doesn’t necessarily mean doing heavy workouts in gym. Rather it can be regular walking, fast walking, jogging, running, aerobics and simple stretching exercises that can be performed in open and closed spaces for free of charge. It would be difficult for beginners to exercise at the initial stage. Beginners can start doing exercise at least for 5-10 minutes initially and gradually increase the duration of time. This goes well with the saying, “slow & steady wins the race”.

Even obese people can shed weight and become fit within six to one year by regularly doing the basic exercises like jogging or even by dancing and practising the controlled food intake under the supervision of approved medical practitioner.

Regular exercising reduces the risk of obesity, diabetes, cholesterol and high blood pressure. Exercise helps in keeping our body fit and gives peace & calmness to mind.

Many of us underestimate the importance of adequate sleep, in our busy life. Inadequate sleep can cause a number of health problems like lack of concentration/ focus, inactiveness, irritability, fatigue ultimately leading to low performance. Chronic deprivation of sleep can cause depression and psychological impacts. So, a good sleep of 7-8 hours is required for proper functioning of our body and mind.

The ultimate aim of a healthy life is to avoid illness and medicines. A healthy body can be built with focus, consistency and discipline. Any task that is practiced daily for 21 continuous days becomes a habit and that for 90 days becomes a lifestyle. A healthy life eventually reduces medical expenses, stress due to illness and side-effects of medicines. A healthy person will be able to enjoy and experience every little moment in their life. For a healthy life, both physical and mental wellbeing matters. For a good mental health, a person should be stress-free, optimistic and have sound sleep. A healthy life is a happy life. Let’s pledge today to preserve our health.

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