Social and Sustainable Development Foundation

Ongoing projects

  • Distribution of masks to schools and needy people

    Our volunteers are supporting the distribution of masks free of cost to the needy like children, teachers and staff in Government and private schools NGOs and Foundations interesting in this activity, markets, shops, etc. The masks have been distributed so far throughout Tamilnadu wherever they felt the need.

  • Covid19 Impact Management

    Covid19 impact management measures for the needy and underprivileged by most appropriate supports.

  • SSDF Career Enhancement Program

    Career oriented knowledge, skill and attitude enhancement program for better future.

  • Respect to men in public service

    Our volunteers salute and respect the selfless services of police department, traffic police, government departments, etc. The government departments did an extraordinary service by coming to their offices to ensure all public services functioning without any difficulties.

  • Bringing happiness in little faces around

    Our Volunteers love to see happiness in little angel faces around them. They support needy children around by providing raincoats to protect them from rainy season, fruits to take care of their health with essential nutrients, books, stationeries, even take them for happy rides and entertainment. Our volunteers are our supporting pillars.

  • Online Teaching for Under Privileged Students

    This project is about teaching a group of underprivileged children online free of charge. SSDF professional volunteers will teach requested subjects to the needy children.

  • Tree plantation and CO2 Reduction Project

    The project involves assistance in planting different kinds of trees in cities, outskirts and various other locations. The objective of the programme is to reduce carbon footprint and contribute to combat global warming. Trees can play a major role in biodiversity including oxygen replenishment.

  • City Greening and CO2 Reduction Project

    The project involves assistance in setting up home garden, terrace garden, car park garden using ornamental, flower, herbal & vegetable plants and tree plantations. This will make our living space greener, pleasant, lively and augment mood, positivity. This will also reduce CO2 emission and contribute to combat global warming.

  • SSDF Book Reading Programme

    The objective of this programme is to encourage reading habits. This project involves supplying useful magazines, books and literature to interested organisations, NGOs, old age homes and Orphanages who are in need. SSDF volunteers will deliver the magazines, books and literature to these places at free of cost.

  • SSDF Bird Watching

    The aim of this activity is to create awareness about biodiversity among children and participants. This involves guiding the interested children and participants to enjoy bird watching from wherever they are located. SSDF bird watching professionals will carry out this activity at free of cost.

  • SSDF Beach Cleaning Initiative

    This initiative is to support clean environment of the beaches by volunteers from SSSDF and volunteers from schools and colleges through their administration and in-charges such as NSS, environmental club, etc. Interested schools and colleges can approach us for participating in this initiative.

  • SSDF Bharathanatyam Teaching

    This activity involves teaching Bharathanatyam for interested and passionate children who cannot afford to pay and learn Bharathanatyam. SSDF Bharathanatyam professional women volunteers will teach Bharathanatyam online for free of cost for the poor children who have passion for Bharathanatyam.

  • SSDF Classical Vocal Music Teaching

    This project involves teaching classical vocal music for the children who are passionate and interested in vocal music but cannot afford to pay and learn the same. SSDF professional musician volunteers will teach classical music online at free of cost for the needy children who have passion for learning classical music.

  • Women Empowerment: Mentorship on Education and Career

    The objective of this project is to empower women students and graduates by mentoring them for their education and career. Professional and passionate volunteers from SSDF will give the right advice based on their professional experience.

  • SSDF Yoga Training Programme

    This project involves teaching yoga to the interested people who cannot afford to pay and learn the same. SSDF yoga professional volunteers will teach yoga online at free of cost. This activity is to promote Yoga for physical and mental wellbeing of the individuals.

  • Rebuilding children from Gaming Addiction

    Parents who are in need of rebuilding their children from gaming addiction can benefit out of this programme. SSDF will assign professional volunteers with specialisation in this field to guide rebuilding the children from gaming addiction at free of cost.